Posted by Murtaza Hamid On: Friday, February 21, 2020


The 3rd of February every year is always a day of two-fold celebration for the Burhani Serendib Family.
This date marks the momentous occasion of the inauguration and founding of Burhani Serendib School which turned a glorious 37 years, this year and it is also the day in which we celebrate the Independence day of our Nation, a milestone that was attained on the 4th of February, 1948 giving all Sri Lankans their freedom and dignity.
This year both these anniversaries were celebrated with a combined event on the 3rd of February which began with the hoisting of the Sri Lankan National Flag and School flag in the newly-opened school basketball court as all students and staff stood assembled. The event then continued in the school assembly hall and Husain Murtaza of Form 2 delivered a speech in Sinhala about the national heroes who fought for our Independence and the importance of this right to our nation.
Rukkaiya Hussain of Upper 6 recited a heartfelt original poem, putting into words the pride we feel calling ourselves ‘BURHANIANS’ and describing the unforgettable occasion of Qadam Mubarak of Syedna Aali Qadar Muffadal Saifuddeen TUS at our school.
As any birthday is incomplete without a cake, the school’s 37th Anniversary also included an enormous chocolate cake that was cut by our Principal during the event and later given out to all students and staff. The final item on the agenda was a video that looked back on the development and progress of our school and the achievements of our alumni from the founding days up to now.
It was a proud day for all of us as we walked around with both our school logo and our national flag displayed eminently on our chests and gratitude and pride in our hearts.
May the Sri Lankan flag forever wave strong and free and may Burhani Serendib School prosper to the highest degree.