Sports and Co-curriculars
As the saying goes,
“A healthy mind breeds a healthy body.”
We, at Burhani Serendib School, have always given importance to the physical fitness of our students as we believe that exercise is the key to a sound and calm mind which helps students think better and faster, follow rules and become confident in their overall performance.
We encourage students to practise and participate in various sports like basketball, swimming, athletics, netball, badminton, karate and scrabble, to develop their stamina and team-building skills.
Karate is the most cherished combat sport at Burhani Serendib School and over the years students have displayed enthusiasm and talent in this art form. We are very proud to say that the students of Burhani Serendib School have participated in several International Karate tournaments such as the International Sato Cup Karate Tournament and the International Schools Karate Tournament and have performed with excellence, winning many awards.
Basket Ball
“To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless.” –Mike Krzyzewski
The intention of promoting basketball as a sport and the setting up of the basketball court in the premises of Burhani Serendib School is to give every student an opportunity to enhance their sporting skills and become a pro in the game. The basketball team of BSS has successfully participated in various Interschool tournaments.
Athletics training was introduced at BSS in 2019. The school has made it a point to participate at the International Schools Athletic Championships every year displaying enthusiasm with slow and steady progress.
Swimming classes are held weekly at the Visaka Vidyalaya swimming pool for girls. An Inter House Swimming Meet for both boys and girls is held annually and top swimmers are selected for squad training to keep improving their techniques from a very young age.
Burhani Serendib School has made a strong mark in the Inter-School Badminton tournaments with notable achievements in the past years. We also organize Inter-House Badminton tournaments in school annually and select the young talent waiting to make the school proud at Inter-School matches.
Burhani Serendib School started Netball for girls in 2019. Netball is conducted every Tuesday and Thursday at the school netball court.
Co-curricular activities
Scrabble has been a very popular indoor sports activity offered in school with many students joining every year. We have taken part in Inter-International schools’ competitions and other tournaments where our students have consistently achieved success. Scrabble practices are held on every Wednesday. We also have Inter-House scrabble tournaments annually.
We have a fully equipped western band in school. Boys practice once a week every Wednesday. We have a coach to teach and help the students practice. The school band plays a vital role at the Annual sports meet and other such events.
Cricket is also a very prominent sport in our school. We have an Inter-House cricket tournament every year.
When a student is promoted to Primary 1, he or she is allocated into one of the three houses, Saifee, Imadi and Najmi. A child continues to remain in that house until he/she leaves the school. If a sibling joins the school subsequently, he or she is put into the same house. Swimming Meets and Athletic Meets are run as House contests. Inter-house fixtures are worked out for many sporting events like Cricket, Basketball, Scrabble, and Badminton. All three House Committees, though they run a competition with each other, also work in unison on common projects. The colours of the houses are as follows: