Posted by Murtaza Hamid On: Monday, May 23, 2022
Labyrinth of Wisdom
Project ‘The Labyrinth of Wisdom’ was initiated in the years 2020/21 by the Interact Club of Burhani Serendib School and due to its immense success, we planned on making it an annual project. The purpose of the Project was to encourage children and even adults to develop various skills such as team building and improving their general knowledge. The slogan of this project was ‘Unlocking Knowledge at the Speed of Thought’. This project took place on the 12th and 19th of September, online via the Zoom Platform. Thirty two teams consisting of three members each battled against each other in four games in every round to win the ultimate competition.
It was admirable too see the competitive spirits amidst our contestants who gracefully answered the questions within such short time span. We truly hope that they had as much fun as we did organizing this fun filled and exciting project