Posted by Murtaza Hamid On: Thursday, July 11, 2019
Interact District Assembly
At the Interact District Assembly held on the 29th of June 2019 at The Union Ballroom, Hilton Colombo Recidences, The Interact Club of Burhani Serendib School was awarded Citations for:
1.. Interact Club Citation
2. Community Service Citation
3. Club Service Citation
4. Finance Citation
The Interact Club of Burhani Serendib School also achieved Platinum Standard Interact Club award, which is the highest stanan Interact Club can achieve. Only 17 clubs from 118 clubs island – wide were presented with the platinum standard club award.
We were also awarded:
Best community service project for – ‘From the Bottom of Our Hearts’
Runner-up for The Most Outstanding Finance Project for – Youth 2k18
We are also extremely proud to announce that Int. Aarefa Hussain was awarded ‘Best Journalist for the Years 2018/19’.
In addition to these achievements, our Interactors were recognised as committee members for Interactions 2019 and for being dedicated members of the District Media Crew.
As another interact year draws to an end, we would like to mention that we are proud of our Interactors that have worked tirelessly in order to bring glory to the club!
Viva la Interact