Posted by Murtaza Hamid On: Monday, May 30, 2022
Inter-House Story Telling and Speech Competition 2021-22
The Inter-House Story Telling and Speech Competition was held on the 18th and 19th of January 2022 with the semifinals being held on the 31st of January and to conclude, the finals were held on the 1st of February.
All the students were given a chance during the first round and the best students from each category were shortlisted for the semifinals and then finals. The first round was judged by a panel of judges within the school while the finals was judged by a panel of judges externally.
We could see the extra ordinary talent of our students during this competition where we witnessed different styles and methods of delivering a story or a speech and students were very confident.
The competition was concluded with Najmi House winning the overall championship and coming in second was Saifee House.
We thank all the teachers who contributed to make this competition a success, Miss Zainab Hussain Junior School Coordinator for making sure everything was smooth and running and the sports department for always supporting these kind of initiatives.